Golf your own way

Release your natural movement improve consistency and efficiency

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“This approach turned my golf game around for the better. My wish is that you may experience the same transformation.” Fiona Puyo, 2011 France National Champion

Inconsistency is one of the biggest problems when playing golf. From one stroke to the next, the outcome ranges from near-perfect to downright bad—so much so that players may lose confidence and motivation. Why is this? Because of the way golf is taught: the advice given is very rarely suited to the specific natural movements of each individual player.

A professional golf instructor and counsellor for top-level athletes, Dominique Fournet introduces a revolutionary approach to the game of golf in this book. You will find no technical instructions in these pages. In order to play better and quickly improve your golf swing, you are invited to respect your natural movement—your motor preferences.

Objective: More efficacy, more consistency, and less pains and aches.

Thanks to simple tests and exercises, you will decode your own way of functioning and find how to play every stroke in a natural way, by letting your body—not your mind—handle your movement. You will also learn why it is essential to add variation to your training routines if you wish to hit your best possible stroke every time when playing to win.

By relying on your own specific motor dynamics, you will reconnect to your feelings and turn off the mental noise and the overthinking. You will release your swing and your game!

>> See the french edition 

Golf your own way
Date de parution : 17 juin 2021
128 pages
Du Même Auteur

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à propos de l'auteur
Dominique Fournet
Professeur de golf et formateur pour le sport de haut niveau et l’entreprise. Il a cofondé et dirige une société de conseil dans le...