Cardiac coherence for weight loss

"This is a simple, clear and brilliant book in which Dr O'Hare brings to today’s world the essentials of ancient wisdom and knowledge i.e.: how to take over the control of our autonomic physiology by simple and effective exercises using breathing and focusing and by that means taking control over emotions and weight. David O'Hare combines the precision of an experienced practitioner whose passion is Science with a warm, human and intimate approach. This book is definitely to be put into all hands." – David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, author of "Healing Without Freud or Prozac" and "The Instinct to Heal"

Nine times out of ten, weight gain or the resistance weight loss are the results of an impairment of the autonomic emotional management of stress. Stress makes you indulge in binge eating, stress sends your hand out to reach for a chocolate bar or a piece of cake.

Here is the first complete method based on Cardiac Coherence, which is, to this day, the most effective stress relief method based on the modulation of heart rate variability. Thousands of patients have learned to balance their emotional system responsible for their overweight condition.

Whether you are on a diet or not, this method is for you as it is independent of any nutritional recommendations. You start to learn how to manage the variability of your heart rate through paced and focused breathing. The heart reaches a "coherent" physiological state and then a series of physiological events occur and manage the balance of the whole autonomous nervous system to which weight regulation belongs. Hormonal balance, metabolic equilibrium and nervous system regulation phase into a coherent synchronization.

Results on weight-loss are long lasting as the program acts on the initial causes of the weight gain. Dr David O'Hare created this program on a 9 minutes a day for 9 weeks basis; this is enough to learn the complete program for 99 years. Nine minutes a day to reach cardiac coherence, then emotional coherence and at last: nutritional coherence.

David O'Hare is a general practitioner who specialized in nutrition in France where he practiced in this field for over 25 years. He is also a psychotherapist and applied the techniques of cognitive and behavioral therapy to weight loss until he discovered cardiac coherence. Today Dr O'Hare has retired from his public practice; he lives in Montreal he gives lectures and teaches Cardiac Coherence in France and North America.

The book in French

256 pages
First publication date : october 2008
Copies sold in France : 18,000
List of sales to date : Dutch, Swedish, Romanian