Cholesterol, lies and propaganda

by Michel de Lorgeril, MD

For 40 years, the cholesterol theory has guided clinical medicine with the support of food and drug industries. Throughout this time period, physicians have written uncountable numbers of prescriptions for whatever anti-cholesterol medication was in vogue at the time.

Michel de Lorgeril, internationally known for his work on cardiovascular disease, shows in this best-selling book that careful analysis of all available data including randomized trials, indicates that, contrary to widespread opinion, cholesterol lowering does not appear to have a significant role in cardiovascular disease control. The bottom line: there is no credible science, and there never was, that offered proof that lowering cholesterol levels to physiologically abnormal levels reduced cardiovascular risk. Thus, basing a broad governmental public health program on such findings was and is terribly wrong. Moreover, it prevents the public from adopting real life-saving measures such as a protective diet – which is described in this book.

Michel de Lorgeril, MD is world-famous for his pioneering work on the Mediteranean diet, and omega-3 fats. He is the father of the “French Paradox”.

The book in French

First publication date : September 2008
319 pages
Copies sold in France : 20,000
List of sales to date : Japanese